Have you thought about your 2018 goals? We’ve just entered the last month of 2017 which means the 2018 CrossFit® Open, slated to start sometime around the end of February, is barely three months away. So my question, more specifically is—have you thought about your 2018 Open goals?
Here at Paramount, we like to look to the CrossFit Open each year as a seminal event in our fitness career. Although most of the elements that will be programmed are well known in advance, the combinations are endless. The Open is expressly designed to test the unknown and unknowable and provide a true mark of fitness and expose weaknesses in our fitness and training. After that fifth and final workout, it’s on us to spend the rest of the year attacking those weaknesses so that we can come back better the next time.
We’ve all had plenty of time to reflect on our 17.x performances. If we’re going to come back stronger, faster, and harder to kill for Open Workout 18.1, NOW is the time to commit to a training strategy for an awesome 2018 CrossFit Open. If your training strategy has been to just show up to class and do the WOD, be sure to honestly assess whether you’re getting everything you need during the class WODs. A little bit of extra time scheduled with a coach, a strength training program, a few yoga clinics, or additional practice during our Open Gym could make all of the difference in the world when you face 18.1.
Three months might seem far away but in terms of learning new skills or even fine-tuning them, that’s not a long period of time. Improvements don’t come by simply declaring that you’re going to do something; you need a mapped-out plan to follow, and accountability to attack those weaknesses. Do you struggle with any of these?
As your coach, I’m challenging you to think hard about this: With the skills listed above, are you taking the actions that will lead you to success or failure? If you answered “no” why not consider some extra help? At Paramount, we offer personal training. Our coaches each possess a rich body of knowledge, tapping into a deep understanding of different aspects of fitness. Whether you choose to come once, or for a specific number of sessions, 1:1 personal training sessions have their advantages. And don’t forget, you can always put in extra practice time during Open Gym.
—Coach Chris
Additional Resources: Best Advice for the 2018 CrossFit Open