Onto Week 3…Let’s talk a little bit about FIBER!
Keeping your fiber intake on point throughout the Open will provide optimal energy and joint function during the workouts, along with faster recovery afterwards, getting you ready for the next one.
Fiber is essential because:
- It is usually found in foods that are high in micronutrients which help to lower cholesterol and manage blood sugar levels.
- It leaves you feeling fuller for longer, as they are slower to digest.
- It keeps your digestion running smoothly.
I would recommend about 10-15 grams of fiber for every 1000 calories you consume. High fiber foods include vegetables, fruits, and many legumes. You’ll also find fiber in some grains and many other packaged food products (such as bread, tortillas, energy bars, or even dairy products). Read your food labels!
Remember to stay hydrated, keep your protein intake up, and let’s have some fun lunging around and getting upside-down!