Guest post by Patrick O’Donnell

Last night around 7:00 pm, I sat in my truck for ten minutes in the gym parking lot trying to get the motivation to go inside and workout. I was tired after working a ten-hour day. I eventually told myself to stop whining and get it done.
In the locker room, there was a guy grimacing in pain having trouble putting on his shoes. We started chatting and he told me he recently had a knee replacement, which was evident by the giant scar on his right knee. He was smiling and happy.
He went on and told me last year at this time he weighed 350 pounds. Now he weighs 260 and wants to hit 200. I congratulated him and asked how he did it. He smiled at me and said, “I get my ass to the gym almost every day and I don’t eat like shit anymore. Lots of lean protein and cut down on carbs.” We both laughed and we both wished each other a good workout.
As I climbed the stairs of the gym to the weight room, I thought to myself 260 was the most I have ever weighed and I was never so unhappy with myself. This guy was thrilled to be 260!
Everyone has their own story. We all face difficulties or challenges in our lives that ultimately shape who we are. No matter the stage of whatever journey we are on, it’s important we keep plugging along and eventually get some great things done. Forget the excuses and push forward!
Let’s support each other and enjoy the ride. It’s all in the perspective!